Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT tapping, as it is commonly known, is a remarkably simple and effective process which works to clear limiting beliefs, thoughts and attitudes. It is based on the premise that all so called “negative” emotions are based on a disruption in the body’s energy system. Clients frequently experience relief in a very short time and can learn how to use this method themselves to assist with many issues that are connected to their beliefs.
A free EFT manual outlining the full procedure and background can be downloaded at www.emofree.com
Shifting energy changes the way the brain processes information about a particular issue and so tapping on the issue or limiting belief is like rewiring the brain’s conditioned negative response.
How EFT Tapping Works
The key is to access the limiting beliefs that cause you to feel stuck and to transform those into beliefs which support you. The effect is to release the “push-pull” energy battle that lies below procrastination and inaction. It is nothing to do with will or motivation or determination. EFT works on changing the energy first, rather than convincing yourself that the situation “should” be different.
“Energy therapies” owe their origin to a discovery by US Clinical Psychologist Roger Callahan who was studying the meridian system while treating a woman – Mary – with a severe water phobia. Callahan took note when Mary said her fearful feeling was located in her stomach and had her tap on a meridian point under the eye linked to this region. She stated excitedly that the feeling was gone and proceeded to test this by rushing to the pool and splashing water on her face. Her life-long phobia was gone – all from a few simple taps under her eye!
EFT Tapping is a true combination of Eastern and Western medicine. It can be thought of as psychological use of the acupuncture meridians. It is a body-energy technique that has profound psychological effects. It also positively influences body symptoms of distress, pain and suffering from disease states.
EFT Tapping has been successfully applied to treat a wide range of emotional problems and issues, including anxiety, fears, phobias, trauma, PTSD, grief, anger, guilt, etc. It has also been applied to enhance performance and improve relationships. It is used in couples work to soothe anxiety and calm stressful situations.