I first heard the Law of Attraction described in scathing terms by a psychologist who was advocating that it simply meant more business for him! I was curious about his perspective because I was quite intrigued at the time with the concept. Having “discovered” Norman Vincent Peale (You Can If You Think You Can) at the age of about 16 when going through a depression of sorts, I was given a lot of hope by the idea that your thoughts create your world. Could it be that simple? Clearly my psychologist friend did not think so. Also this fitted like a hand in glove for me with my spiritual understanding, I’d always had a strong faith which had taught me things like ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened.
But I have come to realise over time that it isn’t that simple and then again it is. It is true that we project aspects of our disowned selves onto others and thus encounter our own selves mirrored back to us in our relationships. How does this fit into the law of attraction? Well it’s a matter of what is going on underneath things. If we really want to invoke the law of attraction we need to understand that what we are attracting is the product of deeply held beliefs about ourselves and the universe which we are often unaware of. Thus my psychologist friend was wrong and right. For those who think they can work with the law of attraction without going through the long and arduous process of self revelation and reflection it is bound to fail. The hard reality is you have to be prepared to do the work. There are no magical quick fix solutions, although synchronicity does happen as do miracles. In fact my experience is that miracles are so common place that we need a new word to describe the concept! The everyday occurrences when we are so totally aligned with our deepest selves and with the force of universal energy outside of us that the light from outside colludes with the light inside! Perhaps that’s the definition of joy.
However, to really invoke the power of the life force that is known as the law of attraction we cannot do any Dorothy tricks. Nevertheless that does not mean that it does not work! And this is where my psychologist friend was naïve. He had not understood how to harness the powers of creation to bring healing love and light. It’s not that complicated, it’s about manifesting and aligning ourselves completely with our soul purpose. In order to do the hard work required, we first need to be open to growth and committed to collaboration with Spirit. We need to understand the fundamental principle that that which we seek to attract will in fact at first invoke it’s opposite. Have you ever noticed how the day you decide to be more peaceful you are suddenly surrounded by chaos? This puts many people off. They feel afraid of their power almost as if they are likely to sabotage all their best efforts. The trick is to know that this is simply part of a process. It is the process of bringing out what is hidden in order to heal and make space for its opposite. It is the process of revealing the fears and beliefs which lie beneath our desires in order to move to a place of trust. But we must be prepared to confront ourselves and our shadow. Carl Yung knew what he was talking about when he spoke of the shadow side and also of synchronicity.
The most exciting thing on this journey is to become truly aware: aware of our projections fears and anxieties, aware of our limiting beliefs. Let them surface like gold, face the darkness and become part of the light
©Margie Ulbrick
If you would like some support with your relationships or creating greater happiness in your life, please contact me on 0403 814 477 for a free 10-minute consultation to discuss your needs.
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