One way to overcome negative body image is to get to know the voice of the superego
The superego is the critical voice, often developed internally as a parent that is always judging and relentlessly harassing.
Listening intuitively and attentively to the different parts of ourselves can be illuminating.
The process of becoming aware of this inner critic is best done over time and incrementally.
When one hears the inner critic it is best to authoritatively disengage from it. To tell it to go away in no uncertain terms. So, each time the superego attacks your body and your sense of well being and self-worth it is good to get accomplished at recognizing and disengaging from that voice which would drive you into a negative and destructive place.
Refuse to listen!
Take charge and choose to be compassionate towards yourself and replace that negative voice with one that says something affirming and true. It is a journey that over time can really help to replace negative self-talk with a more loving and accepting attitude.
For more tips on positive body image check out the rest of the article here.